October 26, 2022


Cory is an enrolled Winnebago Tribal member and a part of the Buffalo Clan. He is the second oldest son of Craig Sr. and Dee Ann Cleveland. Cory is the Agribusiness Supervisor for Ho-Chunk Farms and has been with the company over a year.

➡️What does your role as Agribusiness Supervisor entail?

Every day is different at Ho-Chunk Farms. Some days are spent in the office and some days are spent out in the field. It is hard to tell what the day will bring us!

When I am in the office, I do a lot of filing, handling leases, approving bills and completing process checks.

➡️Why do you feel working for a Native-owned company is important?

I feel it is important to work for a Native-owned company because of the focus on giving back to the community. I am proud to work for Ho-Chunk, Inc. because they are invested in creating new opportunities for our Tribal members.

➡️How has Ho-Chunk, Inc. helped you grow?

Working for Ho-Chunk, Inc. has helped me grow professionally by helping me understand who I am as a businessperson. Before working here, I never worked in a business setting. Being a part of this team allowed opportunities to step outside of my comfort zone where I was able to develop my communication skills, analytical skills and improve my work ethic.

I feel like working at Ho-Chunk, Inc. has also helped me grow personally by boosting my self-confidence. By picking up the new skills learned through my job, I am now able to use those skills outside of work also!

➡️Now for the fun question! What do you like to do outside of work?

I like to stay active by playing recreational sports such as basketball, softball and sand volleyball. I also like to watch a lot of sports with my dad during the football season. Lately, my girlfriend and I have been traveling and attending a lot of concerts and events. I also like to play video games with my friends. 🎮

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